That being said, Pumpkin preserve, with its shiny sugar coating and chunky cubes, can quickly become an addictive indulgence. For an extra treat, it pairs well with the deliciously rounded Seeni-Bola. These candy-striped toffees are a sight to behold and a joy to taste, especially for those with a sweet tooth. The combination of the two treats is sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more!


Roasted crushed peanuts are a popular ingredient used in making ice cream. These peanuts are first roasted to bring out their nutty flavour and then crushed into small pieces. They add a satisfying crunch and a deliciously rich, earthy taste to the ice cream.

When added to ice cream, the roasted crushed peanuts create a delightful texture and enhance the overall flavor profile. They pair particularly well with chocolate or caramel ice cream, but can also be used in a variety of other flavours.


Dried plums, also known as prunes, or sultanas are a delicious ingredient used in making ice cream. These dried fruits are packed with natural sweetness and a unique flavour that can add depth to ice cream recipes. When used in ice cream, dried plums or sultanas are typically rehydrated in a liquid such as water, juice, or liquor before being added to the mixture. This process plumps up the fruit and infuses the liquid with their sweet, fruity flavour.

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